HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE CANDY CLASS for details please email mama at mamazieza@yahoo.com or mailto:mamazieza@gmail.com Classes will be conducted during weekend and cuti-cuti Malaysia day only....maximum 2 person per class...Fees RM250/-
We temper, we mould couverture chocolate.. our way.. with or without fillings.. to suit our taste. Be it dark.. be it white.. be it milky or maybe we marble it....we make candy with compound too.. colourful and varietys of homemade chocolate candies..
1. Get to know about compound and couverture chocolate.
2. Making of chocolate praline.
3. Coloring of chocolate.
4. Making Oreo Chocolate
5. Making of Chocolate Bar
Learn how to handle chocolates and simple packaging.
You only bring along apron and a container which is big enuf to bring home your end products.
Or please pm me at my facebook Page mamazieza
1. Bulk Order of Almond Pralines
500gm - RM40.00
(about 40 - 45 pcs)
1000gm - RM70.00
(about 70 - 80 pcs)
Bulk Order of Chocolate & Flavour fillings
(RM0.90 per piece - minimum 25 pcs.)
5. Oreo Choc with Clear Plastic - RM1.20. Minimum 24 pcs
Oreo Choc with Edible Image in Clear Plastic - RM1.60
Minimum 24 pcs.
6. Lolipop Choc
Real Chocolate RM2.50 per piece
Budget Chocolate RM2.20 per piece
7. Mini Bear Pop
Compound Choc RM1.50 per piece
( All chocolates with edible image, additional charges will be added)
All prices are exclusive of delivery charges around Bayan Baru. Kalau boleh mai amik sendiri laaagi bagus.... hehehe.. mama bukan pandai sangat kat Penang ni.. Tapi kalau beli ngan bunga.. akan dipertimbangkan delivery services.. muaaaahhhhzzzz
Modern Chocolates by Nendo Japan
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